3 Phases for Revealing Spiritual Teachings

I feel inspired to write this after a group pilgrimage in the Himalayas that I guided with a friend. Our journeys to the sacred valley of Yolmo, North of Kathmandu in Nepal, led us to receive the ancient teachings of the mountains, rivers and trees through our personal experience. Many masters have meditated in this valley, and we have come to find out why.

Through culture, we translate these original teachings into traditions, scriptures, and beliefs, often without personal experience. In the process, we forget the original impulse and inspiration. We honor the messenger more than the message. This is why I haven’t been able to fully enter an established wisdom tradition. My impulse is to go to the source. Now, after the journey with the group, I can articulate a way to do that.

Imagine walking up a mountain, passing ancient trees and giant stones. Pay attention to every detail and be aware of your feeling inside. Let new Experience come alive every moment. The power of natural beauty can inspire pure feelings and, therefore, supreme teachings. We may further bring out our experience in meditation or by sharing it with a group and writing about it.

Once we are fully aware of our experience, we can look for the true Insight behind it. Asking questions and observing can help us do this;
Why do I feel moved standing atop a river on a hanging bridge? Because all thought is washed away. I feel as if the river is running through me–literally through my veins. There is no separation between myself and the river. I am that.
Why do I fear the sounds in the forest? Why am I upset or speeding up the mountain? Because my mind is busy and caught up in making stories.

When we see the insight behind our experience and understand its meaning, we can begin to recognize it in our lives. Our actions can align with it, and behavior may change. This is a process of Manifestation of the teachings, living them as a result of our personal experience rather than by imitating teachers.

Studying like this gives us a good chance of getting to the source of spiritual teachings. Rather than listening to teachers and their books, which only tell the story of the truth, we actually experience what is true for ourselves, have insight into it, and manifest the results in our lives.


Building Team Spirit: Going on a Journey Together


Meditation in Action