👥 Integral Coaching
Integral coaching is a rigorous approach to health and well-being in all areas of life. We work to reveal the patterns behind behavior, which are rooted in the past, liberating us to act with integrity and harmony.
Break Down Mind Castles and Learn to Feel Again.
Too often, our actions don’t align with what we feel. Our compromises create stress, agitation, and disharmony.
Integral coaching helps to radically re-establish the connection to feeling and live without compromise.
Living your values is the path to health and well-being.
Through a three-step process, you begin to find profound quietness in your life and, from there, redefine the relationship with yourself and the world.
Integral coaching supports a new orientation alignment and integration of your innate values. This is the ultimate path to health and well-being.
I look forward to our journey together. 👇
With love,
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Join over 200 friends in receiving my weekly(ish) letters in your inbox. I share discoveries from my journey. Sign up for insights and invitations into coaching, meditation, and pilgrimages.
The Journey
Is this for me?
I specialize in working with leaders who want to realize a new horizon of success. I’m also open to working with anyone who seeks to live with integrity and harmony.
What’s included?
👉 3 sessions / 4 hours of dialogue in one month.
👉 Meditation guidance suited to you.
👉 Reading list of recommended books and articles.
➕ Option of regular coaching on a monthly retainer.
➕ Option of physical treatment.
➕ Invitation to the next pilgrimage to the Himalayas.
Business Services
Learn to live your values in the company and shape the future workplace. We work together to maximize health and well-being so you and your team can expand beyond limits.
Learn More →
Coaching Articles
Receive my
LightLetters 💌
I share about my journey—what I feel and what I discover. Sign up to receive open and original letters with insights and invitations into coaching, meditation, and pilgrimage.
Peace Design is a guidebook to ending conflict and creating peace. Hanako and I reveal the truth about peace and war and how to release it from within ourselves and the world.
Live Light is my free meditation community hosted on What’s App. Every week(ish), I send a new guided meditation using simple audio—no other messages. You’re welcome to join!
Since my journey in the Himalayas, I’ve invited others to come on a pilgrimage with me. These breakthrough journeys will give you new insight into your role in this world.
We look at life through different filters. We study the world according to how one is accepted and respected socially. We strive to fit in until that’s not enough anymore and we want to stand out. Can we perceive and learn from life without any of this, breaking through our conditioning?