What is the difference between ‘making conversation’ and creating conversation?
What is the difference between ‘making a meal’ and creating a meal?
What is the difference between ‘making movements’ and creating movements?
‘Making’ implies thought, which is knowledge from the past in movement. I’m ‘making conversation’ based on my beliefs, ideas, and convictions. I’m ‘making a meal’ based on what I think it should look, taste, and smell like. I have an image of it that I try to fulfil. I’m imitating all the yoga poses I learned – ‘making movements’.
We are essentially imitating the past. This is where we are so deeply stuck. Our life is ridden by patterns of behaviour, learned in the past and kept alive by thought. Since thought is always old (there isn’t a single thought that has not been thought before), it is totally unable to create the new.
Whilst we so desperately hope for the future to be different we are repeating psychological patterns of what we already know. What we get is more of the past in a different disguise. We’re still fighting and killing each other as before, only the techniques and strategies have changed. So do we destruct nature at large scale, only the communication around it has really changed.
We are so frightened of the new, the unknown, that we cling to any kind of orientation, guidance, and direction we can get, even in the simplest disciplines of our lives. We listen to teachers, coaches, and experts on how to speak, move, love, learn, and so on, ignoring our inherent wisdom and potential for creation.
What is creation?
I suggest you investigate for yourself what is true creation and how it does and does not play out in your life.
Put simply, one can say that creation is going beyond knowledge into the unknown. Throwing out all strategies, ideas, and formulas, manifested in thought, to generate something new from complete stillness, listening for what wants to be created.
For example, in conversation, we are immersed in the energy and presence of our own words and that of the other, expressing and generating together what we do not yet know. We have to put aside even the knowledge we have of ourselves for this, who we think are in relationship. Conversations are a vehicle for creation that way, which is true dialogue.
Creating a meal, we do not need to think about how it all would come together, but only listen to ourselves, and the ingredients, as the dish assembles itself. We are creating something new out of the old, not from the old (which would continue the past).
The same goes for movements, such as in yoga. We listen for how our body and mind want to move allowing for something new to come through. This can be inspired by the patterns of movement practiced in the past, but responds to, and goes beyond, what is in this moment, which is the process of creation.
Creation is the complete stillness of the mind in action.