Can you feel the world around you? Not emotionally, but actually sense not only your immediate environment but what is going on in the whole world. In all its colors, it is rather difficult to hold, right? Overwhelming if given any thought.
Only a few people are in this state of overwhelm, most of them young. Their energy to relieve the pain is immeasurable since they are not numb to it yet. They actually feel the chaos that we seem to accept as the standard, for there has not been a significant change in all the violence. Only the technologies changed, becoming even more murderous. But as we are numb to the whole thing, we either try to have a good time with as little thought about it as possible or work to relieve one specific condition, but turn our back to all else. We do not like to look to the source.
We bombard children with so much content, which are thoughts in the form of ideas, comparisons and ideologies, that they cannot help themselves but become numb to it too. The periods of exploring, feeling, and thus, understanding the world are shortened. Unknowingly, we have put mechanisms in place for the world to continue as it is, with only incremental changes, for better or for worse. The mechanisms work as distractions from actually feeling the world, which would give us the energy required to transform it. We become rather robotic, filled with code from what other people think about the world, not what we are seeing ourselves.
We are afraid, angry, ambitious, or whatever else we get conditioned into. But we are not actually in contact with the reality of what is. Instead, we are entertained by being in some sort of Matrix, which is truly frightening. We mistake our reality with content.
How are we able to feel, and thus understand, it? Because if we do not feel, we continue to be complicit in the miseries of the world, continuing them as they are. Thinking that in our own little world, we are just about safe and happy enough.
Are the killings not our responsibility too? Are we not responsible for the miseries, since our complacency allows them to survive? We cannot possibly deny our involvement.
Can we put an end to it by perceiving what is, without thinking of it? Without making it mean anything about ourselves or the world, which divides further, but simply being with it unconditionally.
That is really where the energy is at. It is a life force that needs no effort at all, and yet is powerful beyond measure. It ends all violence within oneself, as we see it to be the source of the chaos.
When we are utterly still with this, we can be with the whole world. In that moment of nothingness, everything is.