The more we identify with thoughts about ourselves, the more we will also act in line with them, and see them confirmed in every situation. In popular culture, this mechanism, if you want to call it that, is often used for manifestation. ‘I am going to become successful.’ is a common mantra. However, we are not really evolving into this person but are creating a belief, a role, for ourselves to live in. This ultimately come crushing down on us when we can no longer hold up the role. In intimate relationships, for example, our self is revealed sooner or later, which will be painful to you who has held up the role for so long and your partner who is shocked to be in a relationship with a different person than they had thought. That is why many so-called ‘successful people’, who have used that mantra early in their lives, avoid real intimacy for as long as they can, if not forever in some cases.
Take another example of the belief ‘I am stupid’. First, the thought arises in particular instances, like when we don’t know the answer to a question in school. The thought then appears to be confirmed in all kinds of other situations, until we start to believe the thought. We have made ourselves stupid with the idea that we are, which is what is really stupid.