Sourcing energy beyond punishment and reward
If we were to end all becoming, in fear and desire of the future, what would be our motivation to do anything? Would we not get totally lazy and lethargic? We have been in our own rat race for so long, that we don’t know anything else anymore. We accept the pressure of time and pain to function. That’s why we need rules, to keep us going in circles, generating just enough energy for the whole thing to work. There is nothing natural about it. Mechanically, we follow what other people say. Not feeling responsible, as that space is apparently filled by someone else who has played the game just a little longer, or ‘better’.
It is well thought-through, a system made unable to break itself. Unless we can come from a totally different place, that changes everything.
That is love. Not the romantic kind, or whatever else we might believe to know about it, but from the unknown. Listening to the whole within ourselves, and doing, or not doing, the necessary to be in integrity with it. Then our movements are totally new each moment and completely independent of the future, yet the right things get done. There is real energy and motivation in love. It does not get swayed by circumstance and blown around by the winds. Instead, it stands firm like a tree with deep roots of understanding and care. There are no rules or laws necessary for it to work, as each part is aware and responsible for the whole.