Conflict of the Soul
From Anima in Latin, the soul is a symbol for the principle of evolving life. It can be understood as the energy that makes things move and energises their natural unfolding. It drives Development on the evolutionary journey. When this is shaped in a particular way, however, it may lose its vitality. Like a river diverted into many channels, it loses its inherent properties. This applies to everything, such as trees cut into tables and people shaped into roles and professions. Their natural unfolding is being disrupted and manipulated.
In the case of human beings, this can be imposed or self-induced in the pursuit of greater objectives. It creates the conflict of the soul, which is so widespread in the world.
Enslaved to comply with certain goals, the soul suffers the consequences. It picks up on the contradiction and inauthenticity. This may be unconscious, but it shows in symptoms such as Imposter Syndrome, confusion, and inner terror (which can also have other causes). Beyond one’s self-image, there is insecurity about who one is. This marks a lost soul. It keeps shaking one’s foundation, whatever the circumstances. In this Developmental State, Infusions of Soul are required.
Infusions or Activations are energies that can be transmitted only by intact souls. These are subjects and objects that have been unfolding naturally or have themselves received infusions with high vitality. They reactivate a sense of meaning and purpose in the receiver. It brings to life again what has previously laid dormant. The rekindling of the soul creates new sparks for a natural unfolding and a feeling of unity and authenticity.