Self-help is not Spirituality

While often confused, Personal Development and Self-help are actually the counterpart of Spirituality. Self-help is to consciously put yourself in the centre of your experience. This has a purpose, but it is also severely limiting. Selective consciousness chooses what it wants and suffers when this is not met. Spirituality is to transcend selective, personal consciousness and realise yourself as one with all experiences. The thoughts of being a conscious observer are put to rest. When you empty yourself, you can be full of life.

Life no longer needs to be about you. This is a burden lifted that you may have not been aware of. It is enlightening as the world can be felt for what it is, without the filter of your personal interpretation. You realise the world is in you, as you are in the world. This reveals that the greatest form of self-help is service, as every true community worker will tell you.

Transpersonal Development is the spiritual path and you are ready to take it on. My coaching and courses help you navigate the journey. I have also written about it in The Development Matrix.


Conflict of the Soul


Unoccupied and creative