Hi, my name is Fritz.

I work for your Integral Health and Well-Being, providing coaching, meditation guidance, treatments, and pilgrimages in the Himalayas.
I also wrote Peace Design.

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LightLetters 💌

I share about my journey—what I feel and what I discover. Sign up to receive open and original letters with insights and invitations into coaching, meditation, and pilgrimage.

I worked with:

How Can I Help You?


Integral Coaching

Integral coaching is a rigorous approach to health and well-being in all areas of life. It reveals the patterns behind our behavior liberating us to act with integrity and harmony.

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Business Coaching

Learn to live your values in the company and shape the future workplace. We work together to maximize health and well-being so you and your team can expand beyond limits.

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Meditation Guidance

Learn to be still, even in the noise. This is the greatest luxury.

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Pilgrimage in the Himalayas

Take the next step in your evolutionary journey on a solo or team pilgrimage in the Himalayas.

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My Journey

My journey really started at age 9 when I was introduced to meditation. It changed my life. I used my gifts to become a successful dancer and choreographer of shows for Universal Music and Eurovision at 18.

I moved countries to evolve and launched a venture capital arm on campus with a friend. This is when I started coaching teams and founders. I went on to work with business and government leaders and began teaching meditation and transformation courses. I joined the Transmission School board and became the co-author of Peace Design.

Most recently, I’ve been on pilgrimage in the Himalayas, guiding groups on their outer and inner journey. I look forward to our journey together.

Read my full story

Featured Articles

Live Light

with Fritz Lensch

The podcast features guided meditations that reveal the essence of our mind. We find profound quietness and, from there, new capacities to be in the world.

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Receive my
LightLetters 💌

I share about my journey—what I feel and what I discover. Sign up to receive open and original letters with insights and invitations into coaching, meditation, and pilgrimage.

Peace Design is a guidebook to ending conflict and creating peace. Hanako and I reveal the truth about peace and war and how to release it from within ourselves and the world.

Live Light is my free meditation community hosted on What’s App. Every week(ish), I send a new guided meditation using simple audio—no other messages. You’re welcome to join!

Since my journey in the Himalayas, I’ve invited others to come on a pilgrimage with me. These breakthrough journeys will give you new insight into your role in this world.