Day and Death

One awakes in the morning, turned into oneself, eyes closed by the force of darkness resisting light.
Bruised by the storms of birth yet highly perceptive, sensitive, and transparent.
There is the world before us and no choice to face it.

We crawl into the light of the day, stretching our limbs to rise and brushing off the falls without complaints.
Our eyes now opening to the outside, we wrap ourselves in protection and comfort needed to be thrown around by the winds.

We catch onto something to follow but can’t help as the waves take us away each time.
There is no safety on the open waters however hard we try. But quietly, one can enjoy the ride.

At the haven, one settles down, resting the body in the blue hour.
There is a feeling of reminiscence and space that’s filling the room.
It’s like coming home to a new place. One is not alone and yet there is complete stillness. 

Well-nourished and very much alive we go through it all again, each day as a new person. 
At the end of it, one is flooded by the images, but the night takes them all away, leaving nothing but the world within oneself behind.


World of the Word


How do we relate?