Ocean full of clouds
Trees all around, that’s what it takes to feel in nature. Disconnected from who you are. Miles traveled from the woods in the train or plane, in nature you are. Even trees and mountain tops passing by but your attention gone already. Was it ever really there? Did you see the trees or was it clouded? Look out, into reality, mountains covered in snow – an ocean full of clouds.
To access profound quietness, we have to face our stress and agitation first. What’s underneath it? If we give room to observe and feel, we may become aware of the source of our mind: silence.
Whatever the results of your ambitions this year, it will not satisfy you. Rather than thinking about what you want, feel what wants to come through you now. Find out how to come to a place of stillness and listen.
By going on a journey together, we share deep, powerful experiences. We create spaces where new energy and inspiration become available. The results: deep trust, coherence, harmony, and intelligence.
Going through the 3 Phases gives us a good chance of getting to the source of spiritual teachings. Rather than listening to teachers and their books, which only tell the story of the truth, we actually EXPERIENCE truth for ourselves, gain INSIGHT into it, and MANIFEST the results in our lives.